To 200-years from birthday A.S.Pushkin




The great poets come to us, as the prophets. But, Bible fairly approves, that there are no prophets in the fatherland. At apparent general love to Pushkin he, in comparison with other geniuses of the world, is almost in careless. In nearer 200-years from birthday of the Poet, and till now we have not Complete Academic assembly of his compositions with the comments, the Annals of life and creativity is not completed, are just now issued the facsimile of his manuscripts, the Pushkin encyclopedia is not created, the complete biography is not written, the addressees of his lyrics are incorrectly determined, is not clear and incorrectly prose, poem etc. is interpreted. Has ceased to work International a Pushkin society. And though, for the sake of justice, it is necessary nevertheless to tell, that is made and much is done for preservation of memory, study of life and creativity A.S.Pushkin, but, that there spoke, - us it always will be a little...


At all it I.Andronikov as has noticed, that we know about Pushkin more, than about to ourselves. This sensation, probably, arises that, on the one hand, the books of the Poet are bought up practically instantly, and with another - we speak about very much Pushkin, and behind all this vanity by and large there is a representation about complete study of the genius. I remember, how the director of the Odessa regional archive, picturesque Greek, by reading in the letter - attitude a theme of my researches (Pushkin and Nikolaev region) with surprise has exclaimed: "Unless about Pushkin not all is known?!". I understand, many will think: and so whether it is important to know those or other details from life of the poet, if there are his products? And they will appear are right if to speak only about the external, sensual party of that or other product. If to try to penetrate in internal, spiritual essence, then knowledge of details of life simply to not do without. Life and creativity of the Poet are so indissoluble, that, speaking about genius of creativity as the most necessary image we should recognize and that the life of Pushkin was as ingenious, as well as his creativity.


What it means on business? First of all that the poet has passed the vital way most rational by an image, practically lost-free, for the main purpose(assignment). Not for nothing, being in Odessa, Pushkin admitted, that is ready two business hours behind a table in office Vorontsov to exchange for two years penal servitude in Siberia, and that he less all would like to depend "from not cook of a stomach of the chief " - and absolutely prophesy the poet has noticed: "Independence and self-respect one are capable to ennoble us above trivialities of life and above storms of destiny". By writing on a banner of the life these two qualities, the poet never by it did not change, moreover, basing on them, he always tried to go towards to fear...


Pushkin was ideological inspirer of revolt Decembermen and only superstition has rescued him from the gallows. Nikolay-I more, than somebody, understood importance of his poetry for excitation of revolt and consequently has ordered to take from businesses Decembermen all verses of the poet and to burn out them. And turning point by the moment in destiny Pushkin his meeting with tsar in Moscow of September 8, 1826 has become key, on which the poet has arrived with the poem "Prophet", intending to hand over his tsar in case of negative outcome of meeting. But, it was favorable to tsar to smooth before community impression from just past of execution, reference in Siberia of his many comrades - Decembermen, and he for visibility "has forgiven" the Poet, by becoming his personal censor. This meeting for all stayed years has predetermined much in creativity of the Poet. When in November, 1826 the Poet all the same has understood, that Nikolay I him has forgiven "for all ", but not for itself and consequently will search of a case to prepare fate hung up Decembermen, Pushkin was not frightened and has become to deliberate above oneself fate. Thus, I managed to catch the moment of comprehension by the Poet of this true. At this time he on one of pages of the manuscript has become to write down a poem "And I could, as jester... " (the five hung up of Decembermen hung in caps) further lines "probably should appear... On rope to hang on indication of tsar", but Pushkin has crossed out words "how jester" and has become to draw the gallows, of Nikolay-I, Speranskiy , Arakcheev and to think by whom to him to be, if not jester? I shall not state the analysis of dramatic art of this extremely important page of the manuscript, I shall note only, that at the end of the reflections the Poet all the same has found the civil ideal, on which has become to be equaled further is was N.S.Mordvinov. The first admiral of the Black Sea fleet (was nominated Ekaterina-II in Nikolaev, in Admiralty after death of Potiomkin), the senator, academician, which Decembermen designated to the government, unique of all Supreme Court, who has not signed a mortal verdict to a five Decembermen, by going through three tsars, he served not to a court yard, and Russia, at once after revolt Decembermen he has written to Nikolay a slip about impossibility of a death penalty, even if it was an attempt on tsar. By realizing the situation, Pushkin in the beginning has tried "to facilitate" to tsar the decision of a task and was asked on the European theater of Russian-turkish war 1828-1829. But, tsar has solved a plan of the Poet and has not let him, - the reason of destruction for all would be too obvious. Then Pushkin, without permission go to Arzurum (Kavkaz) in 1929, on the Asian front, where in horse attack has tested itself in fight with Turkish. Hardly by learning about it, Commander by army Paskevich, by were frightened destruction then already known poet, by presenting him a sabre, has sent him in a return way. On this trip Pushkin it was fated to meet with a coffin of the deceased of A.S.Griboedov , author of an immortal comedy "To a distress from mind". One of the cleverest people of Russia was lost according to the prophetical statement: "To all silly is happiness from madness, to all clever - distress from mind.".


Same fate not went round and of Pushkin. Nikolay presented to Pushkin freedom and together with that, using all administrative device, in every possible way tried to pull jester a cap on the Poet. On closer examination, however, this cap looked a slowly tightened loop of the gallows. How still differently to name most severe censorship, constant shadowing, opening of correspondence, including family, appointment of chambers-younker, violent attachment to a court yard and, at last, vile an attempt on honor of family?! Pushkin, not losing advantage, opposed to violence by all force of the talent. However this unequal struggle, in many respects latent from the contemporaries, eventually, has terminated in destruction of the Poet. And then deeper we penetrate into secret of this destruction, the all is looked through so carefully hidden by the contemporaries, role of tsar and his environment more clearer, which, actually, and has put the Poet on edge precipice. Nikolay has remained is correct to itself. As Pharisee, as he has given back the decision of destiny of a five Decembermen to court, and murder Pushkin he passed Dantes. Giving back property to superstition of the poet, we shall notice, that he was lost not only from a white head of the horse (Dantes), but also from blond horseman (Nikolay), operating it.


The contemporaries Pushkin testify, that saw the Poet crying on the eve of the wedding in Moscow, during meeting new year in 1831, when he listened in performance known then of gypsy Tany Dem'yanova to a song "Оy, mother, what in a field is dusty?! ". Pushkin deplored loss of the independence. He understood, that now he will need to be answered for a two, and it considerably simplified a task to tsar. Ten years Pushkin went towards to the destruction with complete understanding that at will of tsar it can happen per any day. Remember: "Day everyone, everyone hour has got used I by thought conduct, future death anniversary between them trying to guess.". The highest baseness of Nikolay-I was, that he PERSONALLY, nobody not entrust, inevitably has put of Pushkin before necessity of protection of honor Natalie Nikolaevna on duel. The ethics of that time allowed the official of a higher class (what already to speak about tsar) to give up in a call on duel to the official of the lowest class. Simple attempt of tsar was lower than advantage of the Poet. Everyone, who tried publicly to offend of tsar because of an attempt on honor of their wives, made in eyes of light mad. At Pushkin it was not simple of other choice how to transfer all depth of the tragedy by creation of products, in which it was necessary to enclose such symbolical sense, that it was possible to overcome a personal censorship of tsar. Not knowing it, unless it is possible to understand secret, symbolical sense of his many products written in this period (of poems "Andzhelo" and "Copper horseman", poems "Do not give me the god to leave from mind...", "It is time, my friend, is time..." etc.) as reaction of the creator to threat of his physical destruction, as real overcoming of this threat in genius products. In this connection it is possible even to tell, that the degree of perfection of his creations was to directly proportional depth him social-personally of tragedy. The Poet fairly expected, that in due course all secret in his products, early or late, but will become necessary obvious and validity all the same will triumph. Just in this connection he spoke, that "It is true stronger than tsar!". The essence of this tragedy, however, remains up to the end unexplored to to shame of all generations pushkinists.


It is represented to me, that can be the most important vital mission of Pushkin there was that the Poet resisted to all force of the talent to the state machine and was lost in open to fight, by not allowing to outrage upon itself. In all times the spiritual leaders of a nation one existence (and Pushkin was by him, is and will be those always!) resisted to physical authority, that the representatives by last always played from themselves the fathers of the people. In all times any state (physical) authority approved itself with the help of secret offices both secret institute ofdenunciations and treachery. The known publications and researches about secret supervision for Pushkin is only top of iceberg of this major problem. The Poet has sustained more than 20 years supervision, which was considerably strengthened after revolt Decembermen. Not casually, summarizing punishments above revolt Decembermen, answering on a retort of P.Vyazemsky, that "... All of Russia for him has become a place of execution... ", Pushkin with bitterness has noticed: "On all elements is man: Tyrant, traitor or prisoner.". All honor people as a matter of fact always remain by prisoners just of the conscience. The traitors become only those who has appeared capable to cross through own conscience, all rest - derivative of this step. And it will be correct, the institute of the state will not be eliminated yet with what it is democracy referred to as, for only physical authority divides the people among themselves and only spiritual is called them to unite. To a principle "Divide - and dominate", the spiritual authority has opposed world, general LOVE called to overcome everything, that us divides. Creativity of Pushkin, overflow by Love to a Nature, People and Life, as it is impossible corresponds to this purpose better. Read of Pushkin and you will understand much in our unsimple life both public, and personal!


Unfortunately, and today all of us still remain in captivity of yesterday's ideologies of an imperial court yard and our revolutionary past, which represented public tragedy of Pushkin took up to narrow of a family drama, and all life of the poet almost by sample of dissolute. Between that, for example, the threat of a poisoning of the poet at this time could be real - Nikolay understood, that writing Pushkin it is more terrible alive of Ryleev. The reference of Pushkin to a theme of a poisoning in a poem "Anchar" and tragedy "Mozart and Saliery" were not casual and in any measure served the prevention to tsar-censor. The history of Russia abounded poisonings objectionable. About a poisoning of the founder of Odessa de Ribas was written much, and here about a poisoning founder of city Nikolaev of Potiomkin it is not known. Between that, working in one of archives of St.Petersburg, I have encountered casually a slip of one of court of the dignitaries Ekaterina-II, which testified, that she has directed just come back after training from Europe young doctor to Potiomkin with the purpose to poison last. It is necessary to notice, that the detailed description of death prince quite corresponds to this, and the motives are clear - Ekaterina was afraid to die earlier of Potiomkin, the troubled times was supplied. In more detail about greatness and tragedy of life Pushkin. I wrote already in clause "The Prophet of Russia" ("Radyanske Prybuzhzhya" for 6 and June 9, 1992), in which my variant of a solution of secret of destruction of the poet is submitted. Here I want to add, that by genius of the Poet has allowed him long before destruction to guess not only murderer (speech, goes about record in "A Diary" of a name Dantes), but also date of death - in "To peak lady" - an ace the peak, as is known, means death, and three and seven, apparently, 37-th year...


F.Dostoevsky in the tremendous speech at opening a monument of Pushkin in Moscow, June 6, 1880 (after which one nobody can not to act that day) spoke about "To the world responsiveness of Pushkin" and that "The Pushkin there is a prophecy and indication" and in this sense "... it is the phenomenon of unprecedented and unheard of.". Further, basing on the analysis of life and creativity of Pushkin F.Dostoevsky has made extremely important for Russians a conclusion: "Our destiny also is universalness, and not by sword acquired, and force of a brotherhood and brotherly aspiration ours to reunion of the people. ". The Pushkin, really, as well as A.Mickevich, dreamed of that time, "When the peoples, conflict forgave, In great family will incorporate.". And we dream of that time, when the nuclear and usual disarmament will be finished, and then and distatement, when ecosettlements, ecohouses, incorporated on all Earth in a network Internet, will become a basis of original democracy. When the state device of suppression of any free-thinking will disappear also we'll to have original social independence (divided financially), spiritually we shall be united in Noosphery community. It can not come true only in one case, if the Mankind will choke in unscrupulous of unalternativelly development and then already unimportantly that there will be by a consequence - a nuclear war, one hundred Chernobyls or still something...


In this connection, as ecologist, I want to remind the point of view, that the ideology of a survival should be based not only on preservation biological (material), but also cultural (spiritual) diversity, as complex basis of life on the Earth! From these reasons I also act before you with this essay. We need to eradicate of the Marks-Lenin theory about primacy of the material world and secondly spiritual, for spiritual and material in anyone "something" can be divided only conditionally into these two components, than the sciences and religions are engaged separately. And let they are engaged in it and further, forming thus for Mankind two limiting extremes, between which, as on a corridor, we should enter the future. The highest Art of Life consists not in division of these two components of a Nature, and in them harmonious and dynamic unification - remember the formula of F.Dostoevsky - THE BEAUTY WILL RESCUE WORLD! I think, that by the World the Beauty corrects and consequently it in effect already rescues the world. And in this sense the life of Puskin is a rare sample of Beauty and Harmony of a Nature of the Man.


During all cultural (spiritual) development (I ask to not confuse to development of a civilization, for which more important the material boons) Mankind are advanced in the development just due to a variety and set of national cultures. The daughter L.N.Tolstoy, Sophia, precisely has noticed, that in West there is a Civilization and there is no culture, in Russia there is a Culture and there is no civilization. A generalized reflector of each cultures was the national Geniuses, they was promoted by the existence and creative activity their development on hundreds years forward. Such generalizing Genius and brightest representative of all Russian culture is A.S.Pushkin. The undoubtedly generalizing character of genius Pushkin was caused by that he was engaged in development of most important making any national culture - its language. The genius of Pushkin was presented to us our modern Russian, just this circumstance more of all to the accelerated development of Russian culture in all its branches and sciences. I shall bring an example that the talent of V.I.Dahl has decided an opposite task - it has kept to us of before Pushkin language, which today, in 200 years, in the majority is already forgotten. Without a known Explanatory Dictionary of V.I.Dahl we simply could not understand culture of Russia for last of XL of centuries of its development. I do not know, but can be for this reason was over predetermined just to Dahl let off soul of Pushkin on will. As you see Dahl was for 2000 kms., in Orenburg, but, what for have taken holiday, has arrived to St.Petersburg and, by learning about duel, has come to him and already, as the doctor, did not depart from him up to death.


Pushkin was the extremely conscientious man - read only his one poem "Whether I wander along streets noisy..." And you will understand, that he was deeply religious man if to identify a Nature with the God. As it is paradoxical, but the maximum display of conscience of the man is, that "Day everyone, everyone hour..." to remember that we are not eternal in the material life and consequently should be worthy continuation it in spiritual essence. As any of the Geniuses of the world, the Pushkin gives us a rare opportunity to investigate a phenomenon of the Genius, as such. He expected, that we will study his manuscripts ("The manuscript is store, on friends, for itself..."), his life (conducted diaries, made sketches of the persons surrounding of him) and consequently, as anybody another, carefully tried to inform utmost on the life for the future generations.


Pushkin, as the Poet, put the Woman higher of all real on Earth. He, for example, never would write, how Lermontov, in relation to the woman - "I do not stoop to you...". For all life he by nothing has offended any of the women, which loved. He has written even only small poem, which precisely characterized of Idaliya Poletika, which bring together of tsar and wife of Poet. Read his letters to the women is a top of grace, refinement and completely unexpected revolutions of speech. For example, Elizabeth Khitrovo, daughter of Kutuzov, which "as pagan loved" of Pushkin was more senior than him for 16 years, and which so frequently, as we now speak, "got him everywhere ". The poet by any gesture, word did not afford to afflict her. In the letters he could to her state other words all and here to write with all gravity - but, it has not any relation to you... The poet would not be the poet, if not would love many women. But thus, it is necessary especially to note, each of them was him by muse, let and on little time. And alongside with it, one of them, Sophia Pototskaya, was for him by secret, unattainable, GREAT LOVE and consequently of constant of the Muse in all of his life. As any poet of the world, he is perfect understand and could express features of other national cultures. Pushkin had absolute memory on all read and seen, perfectly drew, floated, fenced, shot, went by the horse, was physically healthy man and connected in itself it seemed completely not connection human qualities, on equal and with identical success could talk to tsar and peasant. Speaking about Pushkin, the Polish poet Adam Mickevich very precisely has noticed: "To Any country is not given, that in it is more, rather than once, the man combining in so outstanding and so various abilities could appear which, apparently, should exclude each other.".


The genius is unique and is inimitable. May be therefore in "Mozart and Saliery" speaks about Mozart, that "of the successor to us he will not leave". Between that, Gogol spoke about Pushkin, that is the Russian man in the development, which will be to us, can be across 200 years. Term, as is spoken, has left, but something is not visible of this man. And the essence of business consists that the internal essence of the man as such does not change, though thus he is capable to change the external world. Actually speaking, only therefore for us are eternal art, and with it and its genius creators. So the nature of the man is arranged. Collectively all of us develop a civilization (material world), and in the basic Genius, advance development of culture (spiritual world). Not for nothing, Pushkin has noticed about itself and Mozart: "It is not enough of us elected, of the lucky men of idle, Neglecting of contemptible of benefit, Of uniform perfect priest"! So, each of us, mortal, by coming in this world, should make the same mistakes, that its far ancestors made, - the experience is not inherited, and another to us is not given. And only to Geniuses, as the highest display of Human Spirit, is released by a nature to see that most of constantly, as makes essence of this repeating life, which the poet Andrea Voznesensky so precisely has expressed in unending videom (not translate): alternation words mother and dark... But, if to us is not given geniously to repeat in creativity, why do not study at the geniuses in Art of life?


And, at last, I shall bring still those prophetical words, with which has finished the unsurpassed performance of F.Dostoevsky, as the will (in 7 months him has not become), at opening a monument to the Poet in Moscow: "Pushkin has died in complete development of the forces and undoubtedly has carried away with itself in a coffin some great secret. And here we now without him this secret solve...". Each man is secret, but from a touch to secret of the Genius become doubly by man. Sadly to think of those who, by overestimating itself, is decided to clap of Pushkin on a shoulder in "walk with him". Give the God, somebody from us to reach even a sole of a boot of the Poet... I think, that in our world there is no deeper secret, than Nature of Geniously. And if even we managed to collect all generations of the people, who went from us and those who else will come, will appear, that all of them, taken together, so we can not replace by themselves any of the Geniuses! Not casually Genius of Ukraine T.G.Shevchenko has written the unsurpassed poem "And deads, and living, and not born my countrymen in Ukraine and not in Ukraine is my friendly message".


I do not remember who, but someone very precisely has noticed, that about Pushkin always it would be desirable to tell so much, that, by telling a great lot of nonsense, involuntarily stop from powerlessness to express inexpressible. I do not consider myself as exception of this rule, for as I bring the apologies.


Yes, here I has forgotten to tell one more, as always, maybe, most important:



As Sun, He - outside of our law!

His Art, as Universally the World,

And face of Him is an icon of God,

Who has given back life for our cheerful feast!


He has not avoided also of stretched authority,

Of bitter by anarchy above him,

But, Genius despised of the all misfortune,

By inspiration oneself rise again behind!


And let at life there he was no sacred,

But, Spirit His raised so is a clear,

So is sincere, so is gentle, so is perfect,

That He seems in all to us unearthly!





A.ZOLOTUKHIN, ecologist and chairman Nikolaev Pushkin of club.